Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

Ethnographic Study on Mobile Money in Africa

ZZZThe Africa Study Centre, Leiden, was awarded a one-year research project on the attitudes, perceptions and usage of Mobile Money in four African countries. The project was financed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group (WBG), which in turn is supported by the MasterCard Foundation. The project was explicitly an ethnographic one, in which case studies were carried out in DR Congo (Kinshasa & Lubumbashi), Zambia/SAIPAR (Kitwe, Lusaka), Cameroon (Bamenda & Baaba) and Senegal (Dakar & Louga ). The project was  very much a mix between academic research and consultancy and brings together anthropologists, young (African) research talent and key players in the industry.

Below find the final products of the fieldwork, namely some press releases, articles and the final report.

You can read the IFC’s press release here: https://ifcextapps.ifc. org/ifcext/pressroom/ ifcpressroom.nsf/ 1f70cd9a07d692d685256ee1001cdd 37/ 6919cf3f22b31e43852581ee0028d4 2a?OpenDocument

The report ‘A Sense of Inclusion’: http://www.ifc. org/wps/wcm/connect/15e6158a- 8e52-444b-9103-391547cb1730/ IFC+A+sense+of+Inclusion+DFS+ Ethnographic+Study+2017.pdf? MOD=AJPERES

An article about our study in International Finance: http://www. fintech/new-ifc-mastercard- foundation-study-examines- attitudes-mobile-money-africa/

 The Final Report: Ethnographic Study on Mobile Money

Maano alazwa amukasumbwa

Translation: "Wisdom may be found through observation of even the simplest things"

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