Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

Discussion Papers

The Southern African Institute for Policy and Research’s Discussion Papers Series makes available new research discussing recent economic, social, and legal issues. The Discussion Papers will be distributed widely to other specialists in the research and policy community. Authors are generally affiliated to SAIPAR, but may also include submissions from other regional scholars.

All papers are available as downloadable PDFs, listed by year, numerically below:


#2022_07 The Death Penalty in Zambia: A Country on the Verge of Abolition

#2022_06 Study on Political Cadres and the Financial Sustainability of Local Authorities

#2022_05 The Fight against Corruption and the Concept of Unexplained Wealth


#2020_04 Kaaba Hinfelaar and Zhou_Comparing Legal Activism in Zambia and Zimbabwe


#2018_03 Simutanyi and Hinfelaar_Understanding Zambia’s Black Box


#2016_02 Ndulo and Chanda_Services and Sustainable Growth in Zambia

#2016_01 Ndulo_Zambia’s Unfulfilled Struggle for a New Constitution


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