The Southern African Institute for Policy and Research’s Occasional Papers Series makes available new research being conducted within the Southern African subregion, as well as commentary on political, economic, social, and legal issues. Authors are generally affiliated to SAIPAR, but may also include submissions from other regional scholars.
All papers are available as downloadable PDFs, listed by year numerically below:
- 2022/05_Chintombwa, Rickman and Zohar_The Role and Interests of Faith-Based Organizations in Constitution-Making in Zambia
- 2022/04_Feras Aldos, Maynard and Mwangala_Challenges & Opportunities for Improved Water & Sanitation in Peri-Urban Lusaka, Zambia: Civic Engagement Amongst Young People
- 2022/03_Brellochs, Carr and Simwinga_Beyond WASH in Health Care Facilities (HCF) Delivery Settings: A Situational Analysis in Zambia Using a Gender Framework
- 2022/02_Maines, Tembo and Jung_Conducting Legal Needs Surveys in Zambia – Taking a Contextual Approach
- 2022/01 _Nyenti: Promotion of the Rights of Social Assistance Beneficiaries in South Africa
- 2021/05_de Montfort Shepherd, Shicilenge and Shukla_CLD: An Analysis of Zambian Development NGOs’ Participatory Practices
- 2021/04_Kim, Chibuye and Bajpai_Weathering Challenges: Women’s Role in Climate-Induced Disaster Management in Zambia
- 2021/03_Wambura, Kapindula and Girbau_Challenges, Opportunities, and Constraints in the Standardization and Enforcement of Nutrition Labelling and Claims in the Zambian Market
- 2021/02_Moon, O’Keeffe and Simwanza_An Evaluation of the Accessibility of WASH services to People Living with Disabilities in Peri-Urban Areas: A case study of Kanyama of Lusaka
- 2021/01_Bugayong, Butterworth and Kabwabwa_Enhancing the Prosecution in Zambia:An Examination of Prosecution in the Subordinate Courts of Zambia
- 2019/06_Rice and Lambert_ Fighting Malnutrition and Non-communicable Diseases: An Examination and Analysis of the Roles of Clinical Nutrition Professionals in Lusaka, Zambia
- 2019/05_Burga and Saunders_Understanding and Mitigating Lead Exposure in Kabwe: A One Health Approach
- 2019/04_ Sundaram and Kim_Improving Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Rural Healthcare Facilities in Zambia: Understanding Barriers and Future Policy Directions
- 2019/03_Elorza and Verma_Corporate Social Responsibility in Zambian Copper Mines: An Analysis of Mining Corporations’ Health Initiatives and Their Effects on Mining Communities
- 2919/02_Blansky and Fields_Civil Society Organizations in Zambia: An Analysis of External Funding in a Volatile Market
- 2019/01_Charles and Lascu_A Barometer for a Perfect Storm: The Causes of the Zambian Debt Crisis and Indicators for Tracking Public Debt Management Progress
- 2018/5_Farina and Lamichhane_Home Sweet Home: The Potential of Diaspora Engagements in the Health Sector of Zambia
- 2018/4_Hingorani and Pham_The Cinderella Province: Examining the Fairy Godmother Role of the State in Providing Accessible Healthcare in the North-Western Province
- 2018/3_Hwang and Statia_Disasters Are Not Natural: Combating Disasters Through the Enhancement of Female Participation in Disaster Risk Management in Zambia
- 2018/2_Movitz and Andrew Young Harm and Harmonization: Gender-Based Violence and the Dual Legal System in Zambia
- 2018/1_Ezeh and Patel_Assessing Sanitation and Hygiene at Public Health Facilities: A Case Study on the University Teaching Hospital
- 2017/05_Ihemeremadu and Alexander_A Gendered Perspective on Deforestation, Climate Change, and Environmental Legislation in Zambia
- 2017/04_Cha and Ramesh_Provision for Protection: Review of Social Protection in Zambia and Namibia
- 2017/03_Asare and Tennant_Removing Barriers Towards Inclusion: Sensitization and Mainstreaming Intellectual Disabilities Issues at a Community and National Level in Zambia
- 2017/01_Reis and Russell_A Balancing Act: Zambian Environmental Management in a Financialized Copper Industry
- 2016/02_Blacker and Hanselman_How the Care Group Model Improves Adoption and Practice of Optimal Nutrition Behaviours
- 2016/01_Blondeau-Lecomte, Cabbell, and Peterson_The Accessibility of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Information for People with Disabilities in Zambia
- 2015_03_Miles and Roberts_Strategically Aligning NGOs with Community Service Orders
- 2015/03_Masson and Tahir_The Legal Information Needs of Civil Society in Zambia
- 2015/02_Jacobowitz and Seu_Evaluating the Partnership between Zambian Non-Governmental Organisations and American Research Universities
- 2015/01_Bartholomew Koester_Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Implementing Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Policy
- 2014/05_Stawasz and Talbot_The Power of Politics – An Analysis of Union Influence in Zambia’s Public Sector
- 2014/04_Lee and Asagba_Evaluating the Feasibility of Implementing the National Health Research Act of Zambia
- 2014/03_Iyer and Museau_Assessing Civil Society Involvement with Persons with Disabilities in the Realm of Health Education and Health Service Delivery
- 2014/02 Lee and Roche_Human Capacity Building in Nutrition through Pre-Service Education and Training
- 2014/01_Achberger_From the Local to the Global: Tuesday Market as a Microcosm of Socio-Economic Research in Zambia
- 2013/01_Allen and Green_Discrimination and Stigmitisation of People with Epilepsy in Zambia: The Need for Integration of Social, Healthcare, and Policy Reform
- 2013/02_Robinson and Seo_Constrained Agency: Civil Society’s Search for Political Space in the Saga of Zambian Constitution Making
- 2013/03_Amaechi and Mildner_The Dormant Clause: How the Failure of the Repugnancy Clause has Allowed for Discrimination against Women in Zambia