Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

Research & Advocacy

The division undertakes research projects and advocates for legal developments that promote the rule of law and prudent resource governance. The intent is to provide practical policy research and recommendations, and to work with government and non-government actors to propose and implement legal reforms.

Current Projects

Court Efficiency in Zambia

The project examines how efficiently the courts dispense justice and how ordinary citizens seeking legal remedies interface with the judicial system.  Research findings will inform the development of norms and standards to facilitate sound case management models, case flow management, accountability and evaluation of court performance.

The Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain

This project studies the global consequences of financialization by tracking copper through its value chain – from the mining pits in Zambia to trading firms in Switzerland and ultimately to its final destination in China.  The goal of the study is to come to a better understanding of Switzerland’s role in the global economy and the consequences of commodity trade on local life worlds in Zambia and China. The study will be conducted by a multidisciplinary team led by Rita Kesserling of the University of Basel, and will combine anthropological, economic, legal, and geographical analyses on financialization and global production networks.

Zambia’s Mining Regulatory Framework

The legal framework governing mining activities in Zambia is fraught with critical gaps that perpetuate knowledge asymmetry, undermine transparency, and undermine the capacity of regulatory agencies to deliver on their mandates. Moreover, while Zambia is EITI compliant, the lack of an EITI law and the gaps in the current regulatory infrastructure do not make full EITI compliance possible. This project identifies and analyzes these gaps and makes recommendations.

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