Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

Robert and Barbara Kent Fellowship


The Robert and Barbara Kent Fellowship was established by the SAIPAR Board in 2014 in honour of Professor Robert Kent. The Fellowship Scheme is a recognition of the contribution of Prof. Kent to legal education in Zambia. Prof. Kent served with distinction as the second Dean of the School of Law of the University of Zambia. He helped establish the Law Development Commission of Zambia and has helped many lawyers in Zambia pursue postgraduate education in law.

The SAIPAR Board decided to honour the contribution of Prof. Robert Kent by establishing a fellowship named the Robert and Barbara Kent Fellowship. This is tenable at the Institute. The fellowship will be awarded once a year to an outstanding law graduate to come to SAIPAR and spend six months doing research in the field of the fellow’s own academic interest. The SAIPAR Board also established an endowment fund to support the Robert and Barbara Kent Fellowship so that the activities can go on forever.

The idea is that SAIPAR, through the Robert and Barbara Kent Fellowship, will contribute not only to the building of research capacity of the recipient of the fellowship, but it will also make a significant contribution to the attainment of the goals of SAIPAR.

For any further information on the scheme, contact the Director of Research and Programmes at

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