Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

Douglas and Mary Anglin Fellowship

SAIPAR established the Douglas and Mary Anglin Fellowship in 2014 in honour of Professor Douglas Anglin’s contribution to education in Zambia. Professor Anglin was the founding Vice Chancellor of the University of Zambia. During his term, he laid a firm foundation for the development of Zambia’s first university. As the Independent University Grants Committee put it in 1969, “A first class institution has been developed to a remarkably high degree in a very short space of time. We feel that the highest praise is due to the retiring Vice Chancellor for this achievement”.

After leaving the University of Zambia, Professor Anglin continued with his research on Zambia and continued to promote postgraduate training for students from Zambia. In 2008, he established the Anglin-Zambia Scholarship Scheme to enable academic staff on the Staff Development Programme at the University of Zambia pursue postgraduate education at Carleton University in Canada. In 2010, for his significant contribution to education in Zambia, the University of Zambia awarded him an honorary doctorate degree.

The Douglas and Mary Anglin Fellowship will be awarded once a year to an outstanding social science graduate to spend six months at SAIPAR doing research in the field of the fellow’s own academic interest. SAIPAR has set up an endowment fund to support the activity and its continued sustainability.

The idea of the fellowship is that SAIPAR, through the Douglas and Mary Anglin Fellowship, will contribute not only to the building of research capacity of the recipient of the fellowship, but will also make a significant contribution to the attainment of the goals of SAIPAR.

For any further information on the scheme, contact the Director of Research and Programmes at .

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