Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

Current Affiliates

Sarah Meath :

Sarah Meath

Sarah Meath is an Independent Research Consultant and Development Practitioner based in Livingstone, Zambia. Most of her work to date has focused on the youth demographic - specifically in the areas of employment, inclusion, and ‘entrepreneurship’. Her geographic focus is Southern and Eastern Africa. Sarah attained a Masters in Development Studies from the Institute of Development Studies (2019/ 2020) and her thesis explored the conceptualisation of entrepreneurship as a youth employment policy response in Zambia’s National Youth Policies. Sarah is currently developing this research further, alongside consultancy work with the Commonwealth of Learning.
Nicholas Maple :

Nicholas Maple

Nicholas is a PhD student at the Refugee Law Initiative (RLI), Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, under the supervision of Dr David Cantor. His PhD is investigating reception policies in southern Africa and how they interact with the refugee regime and its core norms (with a particular focus on freedom of movement). He has just finished a 9-month affiliation at the African Centre for Migration & Society (ACMS) at the University of the Witwatersrand. He also teaches on the core module (An Introduction to Refugee and Forced Migration Studies) on the MA in Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. He has two years experience working in the field as an advocate for organisations such as Asylum Access, Norwegian Refugee Council and UNHCR. Finally, he has previously completed consultancy work for the RLI and Chatham House and has had work published by UNHCR.
Kate Pruce :

Kate Pruce

Kate Pruce is a PhD candidate at the University of Manchester’s Global Development Institute (GDI). She is researching the politics of social protection in Zambia, with a particular focus on the role of ideas in determining political commitment to social protection policies.

Kate is also a researcher with the Effective States and Inclusive Development (ESID) research centre. She is working on ESID’s comparative project on the political economy of social protection expansion in sub-Saharan Africa, leading the Zambia case study.

Anna Wolkenhauer :

Anna Wolkenhauer

Anna Wolkenhauer is a PhD student at Bremen International Graduate School of Social Science (BIGSSS), in  the field of 'Global Governance and Regional Integration'. Anna's PhD research proposal is entitled the Social State in Zambia: A Study of Social Assistance and Agricultural Policies. Her preliminary research questions are the following: how does the social state in Zambia function? And how has its historical and international context shaped the way it functions today?

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