Southern African Institute for Policy and Research


This project studies the global consequences of financialization by tracking copper through its value chain – from the mining pits in Zambia to trading firms in Switzerland and ultimately to its final destination in China.  The goal of the study is to come to a better understanding of Switzerland’s role in the global economy and the consequences of commodity trade on local lifehoods  in Zambia and China. The study will be conducted by a multidisciplinary team led by Rita Kesselring of the University of Basel, and will combine anthropological, economic, legal, and geographical analyses on financialization and global production networks. In Zambia, the leader of the research team is Marja Hinfelaar, who works with Tinenenji Banda, Wilma Nchito, Edna Kabala-Litana, John Lungu, Manenga Ndulo, Maio Bulwayo and Dale Mudenda.

The Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain

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