Southern African Institute for Policy and Research

Publishing Workshop

Date:     20 November 2013

Location:     SAIPAR offices

Time: 14:00 – 17:00

Cost:    50ZMK

This three-hour publishing workshop is designed to help build local capacity in academic publishing. The workshop will be facilitated by SAIPAR’s Deputy Director of Research and Programmes, Jessica Achberger, who coordinates all SAIPAR publications and is the Managing Editor of the Zambia Social Science Journal. The workshop will cover the following topics:

1. What is a journal article?

2. What are the components of a journal article?

3. What are the expectations of academic journals?

4. What is the preparation process for a journal?

5. Where can I publish?

Participants in the workshop will also have the opportunity to have their work peer reviewed by a senior member of the SAIPAR review team, which includes editorial board members and reviewers for the Zambia Social Science Journal and the Southern African Journal for Policy and Development.

Enrollment is limited and RSVPs are necessary. Please email Jessica Achberger ( to confirm your attendance or with any queries.



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