Digitization vs Privacy:
A ZambiaLII Presentation at the Southern Africa Chief Justices Forum (SACJF)
2 August 2013
The Southern African Chief Justices’ Forum’s (SACJF) annual conference took place in Livingstone, Zambia from 2nd to 3rd August, 2013. The theme for this year’s conference was “The quest for an efficient judicial system as a key to democratic and economic development.”
The purpose of the conference, as the hostess acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda noted, was for participants ‘to share experiences and discuss how they have dealt with the same problems in their jurisdictions.’
The Southern African Institute for Policy and Research (SAIPAR) was invited to speak on the topic Digitization versus Privacy. SAIPAR is the current host of the Zambia Legal Information Institute (ZAMLII). Drs. Marja Hinfelaar and Pamela Sambo, representatives of SAIPAR and authors of this blog, made the presentation.
For a full description see here.